Total Mental Resilience course with certificate

in life you can be water or you can be like rocks

Total Mental Resilience’ is the ultimate video course for those who want to build their resilience and become unbeatable in the face of life’s challenges.

What you’ll learn

  • training to have strong mental during bad periods of life.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 11 lectures • 51min.

Total Mental Resilience course with certificate


Total Mental Resilience’ is the ultimate video course for those who want to build their resilience and become unbeatable in the face of life’s challenges.

Most importantly it will help you to deal with any obstacle that comes your way and emerge victorious!

Topics covered:

  • The Trainer Called Adversity
  • Critical Facts About Adversity
  • Even the Rich Cries
  • Why You Should Stand During Periods of Adversity
  • Dangers of Withering Under Pressure
  • How to Build a Resilient Spirit
  • Common Obstacles to Building Resilience
  • And much more!

Resilience is important because it gives people the strength needed to process and overcome hardship. Those lacking resilience get easily overwhelmed, and may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Resilient people tap into their strengths and support systems to overcome challenges and work through problems

Resilience is an amazing skill that helps us recover quickly from difficulties. If you are resilient, you have an innate ability to keep getting up when life knocks you down. You have learned how to bounce back and keep going. … Resilience is an important skill to master in order to be successful for the long haul.

Seven Skills of Resilience

  • Principle 1: Cultivate a Belief in Your Ability to Cope.
  • Principle 2: Stay Connected With Sources of Support.
  • Principle 3: Talk About What You’re Going Through.
  • Principle 4: Be Helpful to Others.
  • Principle 5: Activate Positive Emotion.
  • Principle 6: Cultivate an Attitude of Survivorship.
  • Principle 7: Seek Meaning.

What resilience means to you?

Resilience means knowing how to cope in spite of setbacks, or barriers, or limited resources. Resilience is a measure of how much you want something and how much you are willing, and able, to overcome obstacles to get it. It has to do with your emotional strength.

What are examples of resilience?

An example of resilient is elastic being stretched and returning to its normal size after being let go. An example of resilient is a sick person rapidly getting healthy. Able to recover readily, as from misfortune.

Develop an Internal Locus of Control

Do you believe that life happens for you or to you? In order for you to improve your happiness in any area of your life, you have to ask yourself the difficult question: “Who is responsible for my happiness?”

Your answer to this question will determine how effectively you are able to overcome challenges in life.

People who adopt an external locus of control struggle to bounce back from life’s blows. They believe that external forces determine the direction that their lives will take. Not surprisingly, this belief leaves them feeling powerless.


Conversely, resilient people with an internal locus of control see themselves as the CEO of their lives. They know that they are in control of every single decision that they make.

When they get knocked down, they are able to bounce forward, meaning that they are able to use life’s greatest adversities as springboards for success. When you do this, you become the driver of your destiny, and resilience becomes your natural state of being.


Help You Embrace Change

At the heart of resilience lies a simple truth—change is inevitable. The reality is that we live in a world of constant change. In fact, uncertainty is the only certainty that we can count on.

People get into trouble when they ignore or resist change. As a result, they end up living a life of pain and suffering because they are unable to find comfort in the chaos.

You will not build resilience by hanging out in your comfort zone[7]. The only way to truly grow and expand yourself is to break free from the chains of stability and dive into the unknown.

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